The state of the building envelope has resulted in water penetration through the masonry that is structurally affecting the building. A full structural analysis needs to be performed to secure the envelope and then implement the repairs.
A roof restoration project in 1997 stabilized the worst leaks from above, although water damage from many years is apparent throughout the interior. Plaster has fallen in many locations and is damaged. There is structural damage to the floor joists and in some places the floors are sagging.
The mechanical, plumbing, and electrical systems must be brought up to code; moreover, they are not conducive to the use of the building by the League to fulfill its mission. There also needs to be an updating of the building to comply with ADA code requirements.
The potential for loss is great due to the years of deterioration from the outside elements. We must act now to ensure that remnants of the architectural detail will be saved. Such an important icon in the role of African-American life in Boston cannot be allowed to disappear.
Exterior façade (SSV Architects)
As demonstrated in this photo, the beautiful detail in the brownstone has been extensively compromised and is in major need of rehabilitation. Additionally, the brownstone decay and roof problems that have now been corrected (via an MPPF grant) left the building open to water penetration for many decades, which has taken its toll on the brick walls that also require extensive repointing and repair. An iron balustrade like the one on the neighboring house at the right side of this photo was removed for safety reasons and replaced with staging. Fortunately this element can be restored and eventually put back after the exterior envelope project addresses the envelope issues.
Interior ballroom (SSV Architects)
Much of the interior is remarkably intact with a high degree of finish that includes gilt bronze chandeliers, plaster mouldings, carved woodwork, tropical wood veneers, marble fireplaces, and many other embellishments characteristic of the Victorian period. These elements can be saved but the water infiltration that affected them for many years has put many in a perilous state that needs to be addressed. Additionally, the building systems are beyond their usable life and no longer function, and the League has not been able to occupy the building for a number of years due to this